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The theme I like to carry through all mediums of my art is forming the new item out of parts of old things being discarded. My passion ranges from jewelry, to crochet, to acrylic canvas paintings. You will find something that glows in the dark in every form of my art as it has fascinated me since i was a child. I have always been and will always be compelled most by my dreams as they always inspire me. My paintings have become more than just what the eye can see. Though for you to really understand how i mean this, you might have to talk with me

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IIrisaRaenKennedy is a name, a corporation, and a number. you own her, but not me. i am a human being. i will not make a big deal more than this. yet. but keep on this track and the people will all leave you. we are human beings. No person Corporation or otherwise malicious entity should ever be manipulating the populous the way you have. I am not posting this large than this. yet. Stop what you are doing. we are not happy about it. consider this the small verbal warning to the big brother. I hate you, but i'm not the only one who's mad. my voice is small, but ours is any. You had better stop while you still can. You may have my name, it is a hat. IK42427


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